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Monday, April 18, 2011

Half the nation will tune in for Wedding

A poll by the Daily Mirror indicates that over half the UK nation will be glued to telly on 29 April...

That's before one starts to factor in overseas viewers and listeners....some suggest 2 billion people will be watching!

The ComRes/Sunday Mirror survey showed 48 per cent of those quizzed will watch “some or all” of the royal wedding live on television.

They will be part of an estimated global audience of two billion people tuning in for the ceremony at Westminster Abbey on April 29. But 38 per cent of people in the UK said they will not be watching and 14 per cent listed themselves as “don’t knows”, according to our poll.

Women are the biggest fans of the royal nuptials, with 62 per cent vowing to watch some or all of the ceremony – against just 35 per cent of men.

Half the nation will tune in for the royal wedding, our poll reveals -

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